Erlang r16b:
$ cat t.erl
-export([t/0, t/1, ct/1, ct/2]).
-define(DEF_CNT, 10000000).
t() ->
t(N) when is_integer(N) ->
time_it(fun() -> test(N) end, N).
ct(Threads) ->
ct(?DEF_CNT, Threads).
ct(N, Threads) when is_integer(N), is_integer(Threads) ->
time_it(fun() -> ctest(N, Threads) end, N * Threads).
time_it(Fun, Divisor) ->
{T, Result} = timer:tc(Fun),
{T / (Divisor/1000000) / 1000, Result}.
ctest(N, M) ->
Pids = spawner(self(), N, M),
lists:foldl(fun(Pid, S) ->
receive {Pid, Sum} -> S+Sum end
end, 0, Pids).
spawner(_, _, 0) ->
spawner(Owner, N, M) ->
[spawn(fun() -> loop(Owner, N) end) | spawner(Owner, N, M-1)].
loop(Pid, N) ->
Sum = test(N),
Pid ! {self(), Sum}.
test(N) -> test(N, 0).
test(0, M) -> M;
test(N, M) -> test(N-1, M+1).
C#, NET 4:
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
const int CNT = 100000000;
const int SPLIT = 1000000;
var tasks = new Task
var w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for(int i=0,start=0; i
tasks[i] = new Task
long lsum = 0;
long end = start + SPLIT;
for(int c=start; c
long sum = tasks.Sum( t => t.Result);
var rate = CNT / (w.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
Text = string.Format("Total: {0} in {1} ms at {2}/sec {3} msec/million ",
var s = sum;
Text+= s.ToString();
Test results are really interesting:
.NET 0.22 msec per million
Erlang does this is 1.5 msec per million
CLR is 6.8 faster for this test.
Some other facts. Linear loop single threaded that sums integers (not optimized out of code, I confirmed in disassembler)
PHP code:
$CNT = 10000000;
$sum = 0;
$w = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$CNT; $i++) $sum += 1;
$w = round((microtime(true)-$w)*1000,0);
PHP standard runtime: 1040 ms
C#: 2ms
CLR is 500 times faster that PHP for this simple test