Saturday, January 8, 2011

How To Draw a Circle in HTML <5 (without Canvas/SVG)

The following tiny script allows to draw circles in "regular" pre-HTML 5 document, it is so fast that it really allows for animations in real time.


   drawCircle(500, 500, 150, "red", 50, 1);

This will draw a  red circle, 50% transparent, with 150 px radius at the point (500,500). The circle will be drawn using 1px-fine pen (granularity).
The wider is the "pen" the faster is the routine. I usually increase granularity to 4px while dragging/sizing for speed and then re-render with 1px granularity upon drag grip release.

Here is the self-sufficient(does not rely on any libs) procedural source code:

//classic one
function isIE()
 return (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1);

function drawCircle(cx, cy, r, clr, op, gran)
 var x = 0;
 var div; 
 var dc = document.createElement("DIV");//aka "Device Context" wich is a DIV in doc tree"absolute";
 dc.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"; = cx - r; =  cy - r; 
 cx = r; cy = r;
 if (gran<1) gran = 1;
 if ((r/gran)> 280) gran = Math.round(r / 280);
 for(var y=0; y<=r; y+=gran)
  x = Math.sqrt((r*r) - (y*y));
  div = document.createElement("DIV");"absolute"; = clr; = cx - x; = cy+y; x*2;;;
  div.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
  setObjectOpacity(div, op);
  div = document.createElement("DIV");"absolute"; = clr; = cx - x; = cy-y-gran; x*2;;;
  div.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
  setObjectOpacity(div, op);
 return dc;

//semi-transparent through CSS/filter
function setObjectOpacity(obj, opacity) 
  if (isIE()) = "alpha(opacity:"+opacity+")";
    opacity = (opacity == 100)?99.999:opacity;//99.9 for Firefox flicker bug
    // Konqueror, Safari = opacity / 100;
    // Old Mozilla and Firefox = opacity / 100;
    // CSS3,  Safari , new Firefox (Gecko) = opacity / 100;

As you can see, this approach uses DIVs as a vehicle for graphics delivery. Also, one may ask why I did not use squares to reduce
 the number of DIVs - the answer is - flicker - squares would have overlapped and would have worked slower than interlaced DIVs.

Use as you please!